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Research Paper

Comparative study of the immediate effect of muscle energy technique and active dynamic stretching on hamstring flexibility in healthy females adults of age

Flexibility is an integral part of optimal musculoskeletal characteristics. The tightness of hamstring muscles is one of the main factors hindering performance in daily activities. Reduction in the flexibility of the hamstrings has been reported to increase the risk of damage to the musculoskeletal system. The flexibility of the hamstring is important for general health and physical fitness. The hamstring muscle is found to be the most prevalent for the tightness in the body. The tightness of these muscles produces decrease range of motion and reduced flexibility of the pelvis, hip, and knee joints. Reduced hamstring muscle flexibility has been implicated in lumbar spine dysfunction and showing a strong positive correlation between decreased hamstring flexibility and low back pain. Hamstring flexibility plays an important role in lower extremity injury. A hamstring is a group of muscles including semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, and its functions as a flexor of knee and joint extensor of the hip joint.

Published by: Mohini Dixit, Subrat Samal

Author: Mohini Dixit

Paper ID: V4I2-2095

Paper Status: published

Published: April 23, 2018

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Research Paper

An automatic text summarization using simplified Lesk Algorithm

Text Summarization is the method by which the noteworthy segments of a text are recovered. Diverse philosophies are created till now relying on a few parameters to discover the summary based on the position, configuration and sort of the sentences in an information content, organizations of various words, recurrence of a specific word in content and so on. As indicated by various information sources, these predefined limitations enormously influence the outcome. The proposed approach generates the outline by undertaking an unsupervised learning method. The significance of a sentence in an information content is assessed by the assistance of Simplified Lesk Algorithm. As an online semantic dictionary WordNet is utilized. To start with, this approach assesses the weights of the considerable number of sentences of a content independently utilizing the Simplified Lesk Algorithm's calculation and organizes them in diminishing request as indicated by their weights. Next, depending upon the given level of the synopsis, a specific number of sentences are chosen from that requested rundown. The proposed approach gives best outcomes up to half outline of the original content.

Published by: Vaidehi Tare, Priya Shukla, Vaibhavi Vichare, Saroja T. V

Author: Vaidehi Tare

Paper ID: V4I2-2014

Paper Status: published

Published: April 23, 2018

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Research Paper

SQL query database manager tool for developer

To design the database and tune SQL Queries. Tuning can be done by reducing the total CPU time and reducing the input taken by the Query. This tool can be used by the developer to tune the queries and to examine Nested and normalized queries, and information about database objects. The input to the optimizer is a parsed SQL query and statistics about the tables, indexes, and columns named in the query. The optimizer examines parsed and normalized queries, and information about database objects. The input to the optimizer is a parsed SQL query and statistics about the tables, indexes, and columns named in the query. The output from the optimizer is a query plan. The query plan is compiled code that contains the ordered steps to carry out the query, including the access methods (table scan or index scan, type of join to use, join order, and so on) to access each table. Using statistics on tables and indexes, the optimizer predicts the cost of using alternative access methods to resolve a particular query. It finds the best query plan – the plan that is least costly in terms of input.

Published by: Abhishiktha. K, Krithika. S, Pradeep. R. S, Dr. G. S. Anandha Mala

Author: Abhishiktha. K

Paper ID: V4I2-2087

Paper Status: published

Published: April 23, 2018

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Research Paper

Hybrid methodology for credit card anomaly detection

Nowadays, people prefer cashless transactions out of which card payment is most prominent. But with its popularity and ease of use, comes threat. The threat of fraud and misuse as we have seen in many debit card fraud cases wherein victims come to know about the fraud transactions done on their account only after the transaction was done and they couldn't do anything. Hence detecting such frauds while they are actually happening is difficult. It is only after the transaction is done, we get to know that this particular transaction was fraudulent. Hence in this paper, we have tried to throw some light on a combination approach that includes Hidden Markov Model and Fuzzy logic which we believe can help in accurate detection and prevention of frauds related to card payments.

Published by: Rushabh Jadvani, Vivek Parmar, Dhruvin Sangani, Payal Sanghavi

Author: Rushabh Jadvani

Paper ID: V4I2-2098

Paper Status: published

Published: April 23, 2018

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Case Study

Implementation and evaluation of ‘Eshikayat’- A public grievance and redressal module in UP

The main purpose of this website 'E Shikayat' is Grievance Redress. It is a simple way of filing complaints, without any hassles, to the highest government official in all the Ministries. This technological platform is a simple way of bridging the gap between the governed and the governing. The best features are that, firstly, its versions are available in Hindi and English, secondly, it can be accessed from anywhere regardless of the kind of device, thirdly, one can achieve all of this within the comforts of his/her home, and lastly, the user would get an acknowledgment as well as the complaint number which can be printed for future follow up. I applied my basic school knowledge of Computer Science to develop a mechanism to address the grievances of the residents by creating this online portal which I named ‘E-Shikayat’ (E-Complaints). From registering a domain to creating a website ‘’ it took three weeks to put up the entire portal in public domain. By using this tool village residents of Uttar Pradesh, with a population of 250 million, could mail their grievance directly to the top administrative officers or the Governor of the State with an acknowledgment number generated to follow it up. Contrary to expectations, the response in the first few days was overwhelming, with complaints pouring in large numbers and prominent newspapers reporting about this initiative in bold letters

Published by: Aniket Kumar Gupta

Author: Aniket Kumar Gupta

Paper ID: V4I2-2044

Paper Status: published

Published: April 20, 2018

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Review Paper

Inspite of controversy in Girisindoora, Naagsindoora, and Rasanjna, their safe use in eye diseases

An attempt is made to overview safety of these controversial medicines i.e. Girisindoora, Naagsindoora, rasanjna in eye diseases. Girisindoora and Rafsanjani are classified in Sadharana Rasa Varga and Naagsindoora is described in Dhatu Varga (metallic group). Chemically these are different from each other but some authors said they are alike. Girisindoora is an oxide of mercury (HgO), Naagsindoora is Lead peroxide (PbO) and rasanjna is the mercuric oxide (HgO). These all can be used safely in eye diseases in spite of controversies regarding their availability and similarity.

Published by: Dr. Ravneet Kaur

Author: Dr. Ravneet Kaur

Paper ID: V4I2-1929

Paper Status: published

Published: April 20, 2018

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