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Research Paper

Performance Evaluation of Hydrophobic Coatings applied on Outdoor Cultural Heritage Building Materials

Conservation of heritage building materials is an important issue and no doubt climatic condition seriously affects the monumental building materials. The surface protection of heritage building materials by water repellent treatment is an essential requirement to control the weathering action of water and other related factors. Recently, with the technological development, many new products have been introduced in the market with high claims of their performance as a preservative coats. The protection of cultural heritage buildings and monuments by surface coatings with polymers is a common practice due to their ability to form a protective invisible transparent layer on the surface of monuments and control the transport of different fluids from the surface to the monument’s interior. Protective coatings are used to make the building material more resistant to deteriorating agents like water, micro vegetation growth, and pollutants. To improve hydrophobicity, now a day’s many commercially available masonry water repellents are in practice.

Published by: Vimal Kumar Jaiswal, Dr. Anubhuti Kosle

Author: Vimal Kumar Jaiswal

Paper ID: V8I3-1365

Paper Status: published

Published: May 31, 2022

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Research Paper

Employee’s Salary Prediction

Machine learning is a technology that is a software program to predict or detect more accurately developing the computer program that can use data and use it to learn itself. In today’s life prediction is a very trendy technology that predicts very accurately just like a human, to solve most of the prediction and detection problems. In this paper, we are proposing employee salary prediction with some key attributes and a machine learning algorithm.

Published by: Tiasa Mukherjee, MS. B. Satyasaivani

Author: Tiasa Mukherjee

Paper ID: V8I3-1357

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2022

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Case Study

Management & risk evaluation involved in supply chain management

Supply chains have extended briskly over time, with the means to increase efficiency, lower costs and fulfill the demands in developing & developed Business Segments. The ever-growing complexity in a supply chain network blocks visibility and therefore decreases one's authority over the process. Complexity and Deterioration are coming up as significant difficulties in supply chain risk management. It has become more challenging to point out the risks with the rise of third-party service providers, therefore making the process more complex & less visible. This project intends to break down how supply chain risks could be successfully managed. This would be done, first by situating the exploration plan in Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). Then, strategic plans for effective administration & control of Supply Chain risk are recognized and analyzed.

Published by: Soumya Mohanty

Author: Soumya Mohanty

Paper ID: V8I3-1348

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2022

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Review Paper

Online food ordering application

The main object of this review paper is to describe and review on online food ordering system (app). The first aims to provide a review on online food ordering applications and the foodservice business sector. This study research method with data collected along with physical interviews with F&B business owners based on their knowledge, attitudes, and perspectives on online food delivery applications. The findings in this review paper are which applications are popular among each other. The main comparison between Food panda, Swiggy, Zomato, and Faasos. There are comparisons behalf on the internet, physical interviews, and past literature reviews. Currently Indian Online food market is$350billion. Food business in a broad area, and online food delivery apps are just part of it. From this review paper, we would understand the drivers of online food applications. Different services are given by application that makes consumers happy and satisfied with online food ordering application. In this review paper, we have an idea of which online food ordering application is most popular.

Published by: Devesh Kumar, Kunal Singh

Author: Devesh Kumar

Paper ID: V8I3-1268

Paper Status: published

Published: May 30, 2022

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Research Paper

Segmentation of customers using Machine Learning algorithm

The separation of the market into a discrete customer group of customers with comparable characteristics is known as customer segmentation. Client segmentation may be an effective tool for identifying unmet customer demands. The advent of a slew of new rivals and entrepreneurs has created a lot of friction among competing firms as they try to gain new customers while keeping the ones they already have. The k-means clustering technique is utilized in this research for this purpose. Segmentation of customers allows a business to personalize its interactions with consumers, much as we do in our daily lives. We discovered that each customer's behavior and demands had similar features when we segmented them. Then they're grouped together to meet needs using diverse ways. Doing segmentation manually can be exhausting. That is why we have implemented Machine Learning Algorithm to do for us.

Published by: Souvik Biswas, Neha Bhattacharya, Ananya Samanta, Nitin Gupta, Dr. Sangita Roy

Author: Souvik Biswas

Paper ID: V8I3-1351

Paper Status: published

Published: May 28, 2022

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Research Paper

Visualization of the shape index profile of a 2D Astronomical image in 3D

Astronomical data provides assertions about the nature of life. This paper focuses on data and noise reduction of the provided Moon fit files, to analyze the mountains on five different terminator positions of the Moon. Autostakkert and ds9 tools are used respectively for noise reduction as well as pixel distance calculation. The main focus of this paper is to provide 3D visualization of the shape index profile of the input image using python script.

Published by: Yazhini Gopalakrishnan, Prishita Omesh Mirchandani Budhrani

Author: Yazhini Gopalakrishnan

Paper ID: V8I3-1350

Paper Status: published

Published: May 27, 2022

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