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Industrial wastewater treatment and intimate the river water pH level using GSM

The pollution like water pollution due to the release of some chemicals in the industry affects the entire human environment. And finally, the entire ecosystem will be affected by allowing the wastewater into the river that makes the water polluted. Water pollution can affect many body organs and systems in addition to the environment. In our project, we are designed to produce steam power through industrial wastewater. The high pressure of steam flow decides the rotating speed of the turbine, rotating speed is proportional to steam flow. PH sensor is placed on the water board where the river water is taken for domestic purpose, if the PH level of river water is above 8 the intimation will send to the pollution control board.The 12W battery can be charged from the steam of 100-liter waste water.

Published by: Praveena G, Sumithra M., Kavipriyadharshini. N, Priyadarshini .A

Author: Praveena G

Paper ID: V4I2-1590

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2018

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Research Paper

Application of IoT for energy conservation

Nowadays IoT plays a vital role in controlling and monitoring applications. This proposal deals with conservation of electrical energy by means of avoiding wastage of current flow in the commercial buildings such as classrooms, hotels, auberges etc. We make use of contactless voltage detector for detecting current flow. For communication flow, we use the IoT device(ESP8266), microcontroller, sensors and relays

Published by: Arun Kumar .R, Indirazith .M, Balamurugan. V, Bharani Sekar .M, Rajkumar .P

Author: Arun Kumar .R

Paper ID: V4I2-1731

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2018

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Review Paper

Food finder- Mobile food ordering application

The purpose of this project is to develop an online “Food Finder” application. It is an online food ordering system that enables the customer to place their order at any time and any place. The reason to develop the system is due to the issues facing the food industry. Some issues are such as peak hour-long queue issues, sometimes due to wrong order was written by waiter, increase of taking away foods than visitors, speed major requisite of food preparation, limited promotion and advertising on current strategy, and quality control of food management issues. This application will contain different types of food varieties available for the user to buy through online. The system also allows to quickly and easily managing online menu which customers can browse and also predict how much is spend on food, and use to place orders with just a few clicks. Restaurant owner/employees accept these orders through online an easy to track/dispatch orders for efficient delivery of food. Therefore, besides that, it provides a user-friendly food searching menus and also calculates the exact price of that selecting food item from menus before they place the final order.

Published by: Ashish Rathod, Abhijeet Khadke, Chetan Wakode, Pushpak Ubnare, Chandrakant Shinde

Author: Ashish Rathod

Paper ID: V4I2-1727

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2018

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Review Paper

Enhanced test case prioritization technique using bat algorithm

Software testing is the method of recognizing the accuracy and excellence of software package. The main idea is to identify whether the software fulfills the exact desires, requirements, and hopes of the customer or we can also say that testing is the execution of a system or application in order to discover software defect, errors or bugs. Regression testing is a type of software testing that guarantees that earlier established and tested software still executes the same way after it is altered or interfaced with other software. Variations may contain software improvements, configuration changes, etc. Throughout regression testing, new software regressions or bugs may be discovered. Sometimes a software change-impact analysis is achieved to decide which areas could be affected by the projected changes. The main idea of regression testing is to guarantee that alterations made to the software, such as the addition of new features or modifying present features, have not unfavorably affected features of the software that should not change. Most exclusive activities that take place as software is established and preserved is the retesting of the software when it is modified. Since regression testing is essential but costly, considerable research has been achieved to develop techniques to make regression testing more operative and efficient. There may be inadequate resources to permit for the re-execution of all test cases in regression testing. In this condition, test case prioritization techniques object to increase the efficiency of regression testing by assembling the test cases so that the most valuable are performed first.Various nature-inspired algorithms were introduced which are Ant colony optimization, Particle swarm optimization, Greedy algorithms, Local beam search and Bat algorithm. Results show that the performance of Bat algorithm is best out of all algorithms.

Published by: Anku Sharma, Nancy Sehgal

Author: Anku Sharma

Paper ID: V4I2-1725

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2018

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Research Paper

Drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) using KK 2.1.5 board for surveillance

Drone (Unmanned aerial vehicle) is an electronic device which is remote controlled based aircraft used to achieve vertical flight with stability using KK2.1.5 board and it can be used for live streaming and also for capturing images using camera and as technology advances increase the performance and reduces the cost of microcontroller so that general public can design their own drone .The main aim of this project is for live streaming and collecting images.

Published by: O.V.P.R. Siva Kumar, Anamali Reethika, D. Manikanta

Author: O.V.P.R. Siva Kumar

Paper ID: V4I2-1724

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2018

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Research Paper

Google maps based trending decision

In the last decade, the social network has gained remarkable attention. People access social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook LinkedIn, and Google+. People are becoming more interested in and depend on the social network for information, news, and opinion of other users on different subject matters. The heavy dependency on social network sites causes them to generate massive data. The main contribution of this project is the integration of sentimental analysis on location-based Twitter data. Another contribution of this project is the development of a novel user interface, which allows the user to search on a map interactively on Google map. This integrated sentiment analysis works efficiently and performs location-based popularity on persons, products, event or any given topic.

Published by: Anuj Upadhyay, Ashu Dikshit, Anurag Mishra

Author: Anuj Upadhyay

Paper ID: V4I2-1723

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2018

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