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Solar based security and smart irrigation system for agriculture

Modern agriculture is the need which is required to enhance productivity and security of agriculture system. The security to the agriculture field has to be provided in order to protect the field from animals. The productivity of the agriculture system can be enhanced through the proper irrigation system, crop production/selection based on amount of water available and limited sprinkling of the pesticides’ therefore decided to develop an application model which suits humankind with: 1) The security can be provided through laser fencing. Laser-based fencers can be used to protect the farm, farm-lands, forest bungalows etc. from animals. In a way, laser fencing help in performing the job of a farmer/forest guard present in the field. Laser fencer controls the animals/human by giving the siren indication that alerts them to stay away from the fence which will protect our field. Continuous monitoring of the field through the wireless camera which will be mounted in the field.2) Create a robot that supplies pesticide in an agricultural environment with low wastage and reliability. The robot can be controlled by any wireless media of communication 3) Create a setup to provide water level indication in the water tank so that the proper crop can be selected which can easily grow in the available water. Thus this avoids the problem of scarcity of water 4) water irrigation system based on the moisture content in the field. Water will be supplied to the field if the moisture content in the field is low (minimum threshold) and supply will be stopped if moisture content is more (maximum threshold) in the field. Apart from these, we can even control the water supply through GSM.

Published by: MD Azhar, Nalini Kuntoji, Pramod Kumar, Balaraj TC, G. Divya Muralidhara

Author: MD Azhar

Paper ID: V4I2-1664

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2018

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Review Paper

Performance evaluation of grey water treatment using Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) along with Phytotreatment and future scope for use as drinking water

Greywater forms a major part of our domestic wastewater system. Proper Treatment and reuse of grey water can solve a major problem of water scarcity. Grey water is that part of our wastewater which is free from fecal matter and contains very low organic content and only a few pathogens. It becomes easier to treat greywater discharged from bathrooms, kitchens, and laundries. Properly treated grey water can be used for toilet flushing, irrigation, gardening of homes to reduce our water bills. Several treatment technologies have been developed in the past years to evaluate the performance of greywater treatment. Use of Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) along with a mathematical model was done to analyze the different concentrations of grey water i.e. High, Medium, and low concentrations. The RBC system proved to be efficient in BOD removal and it was between 93% - 96% and TSS removal were between 84% - 95% of all concentrations of Influent grey water. Phytotreatment of grey water was also done by the use of oleaginous plants like rapeseed, soybean, and sunflower. The Phytotreatment tests were carried out in 20 L pots in a greenhouse and it presents high removal efficiency of Nitrogen ( N > 80%), Phosphorus (P >90%), COD about 90 %. Biomass production along with grey water treatment was the main finding of this study. The treated grey water can be used for disinfection and Sand Filtration. Efficient Treatment of greywater can comply with water shortage in future  

Published by: Abhay Srivastava

Author: Abhay Srivastava

Paper ID: V4I2-1630

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2018

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Research Paper

Use of e-waste and fly ash as a filler replacement in the bituminous concrete pavement

The goal of this research is to explore the impact of e-waste as a coarse aggregate and fly ash as a filler in the bituminous concrete pavement.Due to increase in the demand for raw materials, there is depletion of raw materials nowadays which make depletion of resources for the future generation.There is a lot of alternative to e-waste and flash which recklessly increasing day by day and effect badly to the environment.From the previous researchers, it is observed that there is an unequivocal increment in marshal stability and flow rate with the increase in the percentage of waste with and fly ash in the bituminous design mix.The fly ash is not helping in increasing the strength but it helps to attain the stability nearly equal to nominal mix.It is an attempt to use the waste products like e-waste and flash which harm the environment and difficult to decompose and reuse.In this research, I am going to use e-waste as coarse aggregates in replacement with different percentage and fly ash as a complete filler.

Published by: Rajat Kajal, Rajesh Chauhan

Author: Rajat Kajal

Paper ID: V4I2-1681

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2018

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Research Paper

Detection technique to identify Asthma level in children

To obediently and modestly observes the asthma patient's atmosphere to classify the presence of two asthma-exacerbating activities, smoking and cooking using the Foobot sensor. Asthma management is challenging as it involves understanding causes and avoiding triggers that are both multi-factorial and distinctive to every individual. Moreover, it is tricky for doctors to constantly monitor the health of lots of patients and the environmental triggers simultaneously; or to get sufficient data on the environment in which the patient lives. A data-driven approach to develop a continuous monitoring-activity detection system aimed at understanding and improving indoor air quality in asthma management. In this learning, we were productively talented to notice a high absorption of Particulate Matter (PM), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) during cooking and smoking activities. We detected (a) smoking with an error rate of 1%, (b) cooking with an error rate of 11%, and (c) obtain an overall 95.7% percent accuracy classification across all events (control, cooking and smoking). A scheme will permit doctors and clinicians to associate potential asthma symptoms and exacerbation information from patients with environmental factors without having to personally be present.

Published by: V. S Vishnuharini, S. Priyadharsini, M. C. Raveena, P. Poornima

Author: V. S Vishnuharini

Paper ID: V4I2-1489

Paper Status: published

Published: April 5, 2018

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Review Paper

Estimating the channel uplink capacity of a CR based central access MIMO Network

The major objective of this paper is to study the performance analysis of CR-MIMO (Cognitive Radio-Multiple Input Multiple Output) networks with various fading channels. Specifically, the research objectives are modeling and evaluation of outage probability in CR-MIMO network in both faded and non-faded environment & modeling and evaluation of uplink ergodic MIMO channel capacity in CR based central access network in different fading channel techniques.

Published by: G Ramya Krishna, Bonthu Sridevi, Tirumani Nalini Prasad, Bonthu Kanaka Durga

Author: G Ramya Krishna

Paper ID: V4I2-1520

Paper Status: published

Published: April 5, 2018

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Research Paper

Identification, isolation and characterization of unknown impurity in Ondansetron Drug product

A new degradant of ondansetron was detected at a level of 0.5 % w/w during the reversed phase HPLC analysis in ondansetron 4mg and 8mg stability storage samples. This impurity was identified by LC-MS and was characterized by NMR (1H NMR, 13C NMR, and 2D NMR), LC/MS/MS and FTIR spectral studies. This impurity was prepared by isolation from the impurity enriched samples of ondansetron monohydrochloride dihydrate by using reversed phase preparative HPLC. Based on the spectral data, this impurity was named as carboxy (2-methyl-1-((9-methyl-4-oxo-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazol- 3-yl)methyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium-3-yl)methanide chloride. The identification, formation and structure elucidation of this impurity has been discussed in details.  

Published by: Hemant Madhusudan Gandhi , Nageswara Rao Gollapalli, Dr. Jaydeep Kumar D. Lilakar

Author: Hemant Madhusudan Gandhi

Paper ID: V4I2-1523

Paper Status: published

Published: April 5, 2018

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