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Research Paper

Efficient privacy-preserving dual authentication and key agreement scheme for secure V2V communications in an IOV paradigm

In this paper, we focus on the security and privacy-preserving by developing a dual authentication scheme for IoV according to its different scenarios. First, the OBU self-generates an anonymous identity and temporary encryption key to open an authentication session. Second, the legitimacy of the vehicle's real and anonymous identity can be verified by trust authority (TA). After that, the vehicle's reputation is evaluated according to its history interactive behavior and the session key for V2V can be finally established. There are three major advantages, including privacy-preserving and security enhancement without a burden of key management in the condition of acceptable time delay range, introducing trust evaluation into authentication protocol, as well as considering the vehicle behavior attributes in the new reputation evaluation method.

Published by: Aishwarya .R, Tanuja .A, Vineela .Y, Dhanlakshmi .R

Author: Aishwarya .R

Paper ID: V4I2-1543

Paper Status: published

Published: April 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Theatre environment management

The basis of this project was to take the entire environment of a theatre, taking all the individual parts and making online counterparts for it and thus converting the entire experience into a virtual one. The aesthetically pleasing yet quick response online website aims to replace the ticketing counters of the theatres. The project aims to reduce the bustle and rush that we obtain in the ticketing counters and the various facilities. The communication between the managers and employees will be converted into a formal one, which is absent in the present theatre environment. The ease of booking will add to the bonus for the customers. With the newly introduced digital economy in India using web services for one of the biggest upcoming industry is a great option for start-ups. The convenience and ease of booking the ticket from home will attract more customers to book the tickets. Overall the online booking is a boost to overall entertainment and service industry.  

Published by: Kartik Sindhu, Prathyaksh S Kaushik, Shubham Goel, Prabu S

Author: Kartik Sindhu

Paper ID: V4I2-1546

Paper Status: published

Published: April 3, 2018

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Research Paper

Fog computing: Mitigating insider data theft attacks in the cloud

Cloud computing guarantees to considerably amendment the manner we tend to use computers and access and store our personal and business data. With this new computing and communications, paradigms arise new information security challenges. Existing information protection mechanisms like secret writing have unsuccessful in preventing information larceny attacks, particularly those perpetrated by an associate degree business executive to the cloud supplier. we tend to propose a special approach for securing information within the cloud victimization offensive decoy technology. We tend to monitor information access within the cloud and observe abnormal information access patterns. once unauthorized access is suspected and so verified victimization challenge queries, we tend to launch a misinformation attack by returning giant amounts of decoy data to the assailant. This protects against the misuse of the user’s real information. Experiments conducted in a very native file setting offer proof that this approach might offer unprecedented levels of user information security in a very Cloud atmosphere.  

Published by: Ankit Choudhary, Tushar Nikam, Rajkumar Singh, Yogita Kawle, Abhijit Tambe

Author: Ankit Choudhary

Paper ID: V4I2-1562

Paper Status: published

Published: April 3, 2018

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Study on random order testing

Software testing is very highly used and very expensive. The main function of the software testing is to find the defects. Not all software defects are caused by coding errors. One common source of expensive defects is requirement gaps, e.g. unrecognized requirements that result in errors of omission by the program designer. Requirement gaps can often be non-functional requirements such as testability, scalability, maintainability, usability, performance, and security. A programmer makes an error (mistake), which results in a defect (fault, bug) in the software source code. If this defect is executed, in certain situations the system will produce wrong results, causing a failure. So there are different test cycles in which a project can be tested. In this project I have taken a shopping cart website, the testing has been done to each test case multiple times to check the number of errors got in the testing. The duration of the testing is also noted. In totally random order texting all possible ways are also been tested and the successful testing output without any errors is performed. Normal testing for the same site is done simultaneously and comparing the difference and time consuming and the maximum number of errors obtained.  

Published by: M. Arjhun, John Bruce

Author: M. Arjhun

Paper ID: V4I2-1585

Paper Status: published

Published: April 3, 2018

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Research Article

The growth of mutual funds in India: A special reference to sectoral mutual funds

Mutual fund investment becomes an ideal investment during the last few years in India. It poses a medium risk and provides good returns to the investors on their savings. There are more than a thousand schemes are available in the market of mutual funds. Sectoral mutual funds are highly risky compared to the other diversified equity schemes. During the recession period, some sector performed better and provides the better return than their benchmarks. In the present study, we explain the top most popular sector funds which hold the topmost assets under management of equity as well as performed well during the recession time period. These sectoral mutual funds are banking sector fund, Software sector fund, a Pharmaceutical sector fund, etc. Banking sector holds the 13% to 22% of the equity and well-managed sector funds provide 52.43% returns while worst managed sector provide 13.75% during the recession time period in 2008-09. Second largest equity holding sector is software sector fund. This sector holds 8% to 14%. Pharmaceutical sector grasps 6% to 8% and Auto sector seize 3% to 6% of the equity.  

Published by: Dr. Ashok Kumar, Suman Rani

Author: Dr. Ashok Kumar

Paper ID: V4I2-1533

Paper Status: published

Published: March 31, 2018

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Research Paper

A study on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability in agribusiness in Ethiopia – challenges and developing strategies

The commercialization of agriculture is a top priority for Ethiopia. It is, therefore, encouraging to have seen a rapid development of the commercial agriculture sector in recent years. Entrepreneurs, government, and other stakeholders share the opinion that commercial agriculture can be successful only when it is done on a sustainable footing. It is widely acknowledged that although the entrepreneur has a wide responsibility in this respect, he or she cannot do it alone. Developing sustainable agriculture requires an exchange of knowledge and experience among business, government and civil societal organizations. The code of practice developed by and for the Ethiopian floriculture sector is a good example of such a process. Working on sustainability by entrepreneurs is generally referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In practice, it entails constantly working on improving the three P’s (people, planet, and profit) in a balanced manner. Most entrepreneurs involved in commercial agriculture in Ethiopia are motivated to work on CSR. As a result, a wide variety of good practices have evolved in recent years. This article is an attempt to highlight CSR practices, important issues in agribusiness and Suggestions to promote work on improvement of the three P’s (people, planet, and profit) to the agribusiness community.  

Published by: Dr. Monica Tulsian

Author: Dr. Monica Tulsian

Paper ID: V4I2-1503

Paper Status: published

Published: March 31, 2018

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