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Research Paper

Socio Economic Upliftment of Tribal Fishermen through Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) at Arsha Development Block of Purulia District: An Economic Analysis

The Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) strategy was evolved for the rapid socio-economic development of tribal people in the 5th Five Year Plan has the objectives of socio-economic development and Protection of STs against exploitation through legal and administrative support for narrowing the gap between their levels of development to that of the general communities. In West Bengal, Purulia District is one of the poorly backward drought prone, topographically severely undulating lands with inadequate irrigation and insufficient of all agricultural inputs. The present status of tribal people is very poor as a consequence they are migrating to neighboring district and state for their source of income. For the socio economic upliftment of tribal people, Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) was formulated and adopted in different districts. Fisheries sector embraces a large population of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Rehabilitation of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes families through fishery activities has become a major boon for upliftment of their economic status above poverty line.

Published by: Abhishek Majhi, Dr. Subhasis Bhattacharya, Sunanda Roy

Author: Abhishek Majhi

Paper ID: V4I2-1335

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2018

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Research Paper

Detailed Study of Mix Design of Self Compacted Concrete

The self-compacted concrete can be explained as an innovative product in Civil Engineering discipline in India. This product is necessary for civil engineers in order to win difficulty of workmanship. This product was first used in Japan and followed via Europe and United States. Sizeable research becomes achieved with regard to the residences of SCC due to the properly-controlled conditions. Examples of applications are proven, each for prefabricated concrete elements and in- situ structures. On this examine the location has been covered is making the layout mix of self-compacted concrete and it’s overall performance – financial comparisons with winning traditional grade of concrete of m-40 grade.

Published by: Ayush Agarwal

Author: Ayush Agarwal

Paper ID: V4I2-1338

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2018

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Research Paper

IoT based Smart Garbage and Waste Collection Bin

Squander administration is turning into a hotly debated issue in strategy urban communities. Municipal governments, which are to a great extent in charge of building and keeping up squander transfer systems, are quick to discover methods for limiting the cost of discarding waste and the sheer measure of waste society produces. Sadly, market and corporatist methodologies don't think about waste administration, rather leaving waste administration to nearby experts, and without government compulsion will as a rule not worry about condition benevolent item configuration, squander minimization or the reuse, re-assembling or reusing of the item toward the finish of its life cycle. We propose a framework which will have fundamental sensor like IR sensor to identify the measure of junk canister filled and discharge flag to the line following bot to gather the effectively isolated fluid and strong waste. The isolated waste will be simpler to dispose. Standard gathering of waste will make the encompassing a cleaner put.

Published by: Abinaya, Ritwiz Kaustoob, Mridula Vatsa, Nadeem Hassan, Shreyash Gharod Patil

Author: Abinaya

Paper ID: V4I2-1363

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2018

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Research Paper

A Survey on Smart Ration Card System

The Rationing dispersion framework likewise called open dissemination framework circulates nourishment things to poor people. Real wares incorporate rice, wheat, sugar and lamp oil. In this framework smart cards will be given rather than current apportion cards. Clients database is put away which is given by Government. The Smart Card must be examined by the client to demonstrate the points of interest of things assigned by government, and afterward it checks client subtle elements with put away information to convey material in proportion shop. Biometric i.e. Unique finger impression checking will be improved the situation security and verification reason.

Published by: Sadaf Pathan, Divya Borkar, Nikhil Chavan, Prasad Gaikwad, Ujwala Gaikwad

Author: Sadaf Pathan

Paper ID: V4I2-1345

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2018

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Research Paper

Data Transmission by Ceaser Cipher Wheel Encryption using Lifi

The paper describes a microcontroller based secured optical wireless communication system using laser and phototransistor. These days the usage of Wi-Fi has reached to every nook and corner of the world. There are some downsides belong to the usage of Wi-Fi such as those concerning to the speed, limited bandwidth, security and range of its usage. In order to overcome these hitches, we can use the advanced version of Li-Fi which is efficient, high speed, and fully networked wireless communication. If light contains encrypted message then both privacy and prevention from unwanted access along with high data rate can be achievable from Li-Fi. A new encryption technique based on substitution of ASCII value of characters implemented and reliable data transmission carried out. The proposed encryption algorithm primarily follows Caesar Cipher WHEEL substitution, acts similarly with Caesar wheel device by rotating circularly and changes the ASCII value of original message according to predefined values and length of repetition. Encryption of data, transmission, reception, and conversion to original message are implemented successfully using laser, phototransistor, and microcontroller and associated devices. The microcontroller performs as overall controlling and processing unit.  

Published by: S. Jeya Anusuya, S. Venket, V. Logesh Kumar, T. Manoj Gowtham, V. Goutham, R. Gowtham

Author: S. Jeya Anusuya

Paper ID: V4I2-1347

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2018

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Research Paper

Safety of Construction Workers using IoT based MWSN Network

In this paper, a mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) is introduced for the purpose of worker’s safety. Public authorities and Standard Committee sets the limit for the emission of dust, noise and other harmful agents based on the previous examination of endangerment for worker’s and resident’s health as well as environment. While emission crosses the threshold limit, the mobile sensor nodes send notifications to the operator, then the user can react to this information and takes quick action. For tracking the workers within the limited site, IOT based WSN network is widely used.  

Published by: D. Priya Dharshini, J. Saisudha, S. Sangeetha, H. Vishnupriya, S. Venkat, S. Jeya Anusuya

Author: D. Priya Dharshini

Paper ID: V4I2-1351

Paper Status: published

Published: March 23, 2018

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