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Research Paper

Automatic Fan Speed Control using Temperature and Humidity Sensor and Arduino

The Study is aimed at controlling the speed of the fan automatically using Arduino, temperature and humidity sensors. Fan speed need to be manually controlled every time but by using this idea the speed of the fan will be automatically adjusted according to surrounding environment. The project is based on the concept of Internet of Things(IOT). A simple strategy to automatically control the speed of fan using DHT22 sensor. According to the temperature sensed by temperature and humidity sensor the resistance of the fan will be adjusted to change the fan speed. It’s fairly straightforward to use, however needs careful arrangement to grab information. DHT22, Arduino and LCD will get power from the same fan connection, so that less battery power is used. The temperature will automatically control. In the proposed system Fan can be set at rather high for lowered activity level that required limited body movement like sleeping and sitting. DHT22 sensor is used to sense the temperature and then speed of fan is adjusted accordingly using PWM. Here Arduino code is used. In this proposed system, it takes comparatively less time to process. It requires additional devices, external clock and for programming it requires development system.

Published by: Suraj Kaushik, Yuvraj Singh Chouhan, Nagendra Sharma, Shreyansh Singh, P Suganya

Author: Suraj Kaushik

Paper ID: V4I2-1348

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2018

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Review Paper

Study of Data Mining and Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection System

An interruption affirmation framework is programming that introduces a man or a system of PCs for dangerous exercises that are coordinated at taking or editing data or ruining system conventions. Most methodology inside the present interruption distinguishing proof framework can't offer with the intense and complex figure of digital assaults on PCs. Notwithstanding the way that solid versatile strategies like different methods of machine learning can cause higher prominence rates, bring down false thief caution rates and proper calculation and correspondence cost. Using information mining can bring about successive organization mining, order, bunching and minute information stream. This examination paper symbolizes an engaged writing outline of machine learning and information digging alternatives for digital investigation to get interruption acknowledgment. Predicated on the amount of references or the significance of rising strategy, printed material speaking to every technique were revealed, perused, and compressed. Since information are so essential in machine learning and information mining techniques, some notable digital information decisions inside machine learning and information digging are distinguished for digital security is appeared, in addition to a few hints about when to employ affirmed strategy get.

Published by: Mohak Chaturvedi, Atul Kumar Verma

Author: Mohak Chaturvedi

Paper ID: V4I2-1353

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2018

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Research Paper

An Efficient and Decisive Crowd Management System Based on RFID Technology

Management of crowded events are very challenging and complex task. Many people loss their life and dreams in every year because of the poor organization of crowded events. Radio frequency identication technology can be eectively used for managing crowded events. In this paper aimed to develop a crowd management system using RFID technology. RFID technology provides a wide verity of applications. The localization features of RFID technology is acclimate to classify and track a person in a crowded events. As compared with other positioning systems, the RFID technology providing more accurate result in indoor applications. We evaluates the achievements of our proposed crowd management method through a tested environment experiment. The result shows that our proposed method is very suitable for organizing crowded events.

Published by: Athira Soman, Smitha Jacob

Author: Athira Soman

Paper ID: V4I2-1197

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2018

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Research Paper

Enhanced Protection Over Data Streams under Multiple Keys in Cloud

Upload the data streams to the cloud servers for the product evaluation; it is an important to many popular stream applications. And it is applying to many organizations. But at the same time, it is difficult to verify the result on the cloud computation, it leads to the issues of trust. Since the outsourced data streams are retrieved from various resources. In the existing system, each originator has a unique secret key. But when the multiple users tend to download the same file, it leads to some misconceptions. Hence, it extends to the multiple-key settings, whereas it doesn’t use any specific algorithm for encryption. In this paper, we mainly focus on the security. We propose an Advance Encryption Standard (AES) for the encryption. And also we implement an extra proxy server for the data reliability. Hence, in this project, we introduce the novel homomorphic verifying tag technique. For verify the inner product evaluation on the multiple dynamic data streams and then it extends to the matrix product verification. We use the random oracle access model.

Published by: K. Dhanabakiyam , V. Divya , R. Maheswari, E. Sathiya Jothi , M. S Vijay Kumar

Author: K. Dhanabakiyam

Paper ID: V4I2-1221

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2018

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Research Paper

Development of Lost Articles and Reconciliation System for Post Office

A Post Office wants to improve its efficiency by delivering the lost letters and lost articles (which are sent in parcels) in a short period of time. Currently it takes about 3 months for a lost letter or a lost article to reach the correct destination. A machine reads addresses on letters. The ones, which could not be read by machine, are sorted by human intervention. Even after this, the address is not readable, it becomes a lost letter. Articles that fall out of the parcel become lost articles. When the sender/receiver calls up or contacts the post office for their letter/article, a manual note is made and then this note is sent to the warehouse where lost articles and lost letters are kept. The reconciliation process of finding the lost letter/article is manual and sometimes wrong letter/article(s) is sent. You have to develop a system, which captures the above functionality and reduce the turnaround time from 3 months to 10 working days. This is an Internet application. Users of the system: Employees of the Post Office. There are various groups for the system. For example, groups which have rights to enter master data, groups having rights update only articles or only letters, groups having rights to enter/update/delete data for complaints by customers, groups having the rights to reconcile etc.. User will start with the login page in which username and password are entered. This screen should also provide a functionality to change the password. To change the password, it should ask for the old password, new password and confirm the new password. [Please Note: You can additionally add the functionality of generating letters in the word format from the application. These letters will be sent to the customer and these will describe their complaint status and approximately when will they receive their lost item. There can be types of letters like Complaint Status Type, Additional Information Required Type, Lost Article Type, etc. The Complainants Address should be filled automatically in the letter from the database. A separate module for printing will be required

Published by: Deeksha K, A. V. Senthil Kumar

Author: Deeksha K

Paper ID: V4I2-1292

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2018

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FusionChart-based Information System for the Aged and Handicapped in Nigeria

This research facilitates the capturing, collation and analysis of data about some vulnerable Nigeria citizens (the aged and handicapped)through a website for an easy government decision.A local visualized information system website “fusion chart-based information system for the aged and handicapped in Nigeria (FISAH)” was created to enable the visualization of real-time information about the vulnerable citizens using fusion chart technology. The system was actualized using fusion chart plug-in and Eclipse, Wamp Server, PHP, Mysql, HTML and JavaScript to deliver interactive powerful charts and data presentation in 2D and 3D, pie chart and line graphs structures. The charts produced were animated and made interactive using JSON Encode.

Published by: Okwori Anthony Okpe, Odey Adinya John, Vaatyough Francis Bem

Author: Okwori Anthony Okpe

Paper ID: V4I1-1322

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2018

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