This paper is published in Volume-10, Issue-5, 2024
Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D Pathak, Dr. M B Wavdhane, Dr. Shriya R. Ostwal
GDCH, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, India
Pub. Date
05 September, 2024
Paper ID
Composite, Sensitivity, Post-Operative, Immediate Dentin Sealing, Decoupling


Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D Pathak, Dr. M B Wavdhane, Dr. Shriya R. Ostwal. Post-Operative Sensitivity Following Composite Resin Restoration : A Guide for Prevention, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D Pathak, Dr. M B Wavdhane, Dr. Shriya R. Ostwal (2024). Post-Operative Sensitivity Following Composite Resin Restoration : A Guide for Prevention. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 10(5)

Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. Seema D Pathak, Dr. M B Wavdhane, Dr. Shriya R. Ostwal. "Post-Operative Sensitivity Following Composite Resin Restoration : A Guide for Prevention." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 10.5 (2024).


One of the main causes of dental visits is pain, and clinical findings show that patients complain of dentinal sensitivity in a variety of settings and to varying degrees of severity. Even in cases where there is no obvious deterioration in the restoration, this is a very common issue following resin composite dental restorations. This bibliographic research aimed to determine the reasons behind post-operative sensitivity in resin composite restorations and provide preventative measures so that practitioners might utilise this knowledge to lessen the incidence of this annoyance in their day-to-day work. Analysis was done on the entire texts of pertinent articles. Post-operative sensitivity in direct resin composite restorations can have a number of causes, including errors in diagnosis, treatment indications, cavity preparation, material insertion, hard dental tissue hybridisation, finishing, and polishing the restoration. In order to prevent or reduce the likelihood of post-operative sensitivity, it is essential at every stage of the restorative process that an accurate diagnosis should be made and appropriate method should be employed.