This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-2, 2020
Karan Chauhan
Epsilon India, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Pub. Date
28 April, 2020
Paper ID
Direct Response Marketing, Brand Marketing, Personal Factor, Psychological Factor, Social Factor, Globalization, Consumer, Campaign, Channels and Marketing


Karan Chauhan. Proper balance of direct response marketing and brand marketing for product and brand dominance in current market, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Karan Chauhan (2020). Proper balance of direct response marketing and brand marketing for product and brand dominance in current market. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(2)

Karan Chauhan. "Proper balance of direct response marketing and brand marketing for product and brand dominance in current market." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.2 (2020).


As the market place has emerged from small scale to a global scale it has also resulted in products and services of similar nature and requirements to come up in the same environment as geographical factors and economical factors had lesser impact on them as market kept developing. The concept of global village or globalization resulted in brands and companies to spread over the globe, as the factors like transporting the goods or providing services to far away destinations were not as big a concern for them anymore due to the advancements in technology in every aspect like that of transport and communication. This bridged the gap in the market which was observed in the early time. Products which were manufactured in one corner of the world were easily available in the other corner of the world alongside the products of the companies present there. This resulted in saturating the market environment and making it competitive. In such scenarios marketing tools become the important tools to distinguish and separate one product or service from other in the same market bubble. Direct Marketing and Brand Marketing emerged as the two big pillars of marketing campaigns. The objective of direct marketing was to establish direct channels of communication with the consumers and convince them of their supremacy in the market like Google, Apple, etc. Whereas the objective of Brand marketing was to establish the brand as a name for itself in the market which resonated the ideas of reliability and customer satisfaction for those who were related to the brand name or those who were customers for the same like PVR cinema, TATA, etc. This paper has two aspect to it, first is the understanding of Direct Response Marketing and Brand Marketing and the other aspect is the proper utilization of both the tools in the designing of a marketing campaign for a product or a service provided by a company.