This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-1, 2020
Yoginder Singh, Puneet Jain, Rajnesh Narula
Adesh College of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, Punjab, India
Pub. Date
20 January, 2020
Paper ID
Lr (Lagrangian relaxation), Markov chain, Qos (Quality of service), WSN (Wireless sensor networks), Energy left, Throughput, Packet drop, Routing, Hop, Cluster, Nodes, Threshold


Yoginder Singh, Puneet Jain, Rajnesh Narula. QoS optimization in wireless sensor networks using multi-hop multi clustering algorithm in a heterogeneous network, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Yoginder Singh, Puneet Jain, Rajnesh Narula (2020). QoS optimization in wireless sensor networks using multi-hop multi clustering algorithm in a heterogeneous network. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(1)

Yoginder Singh, Puneet Jain, Rajnesh Narula. "QoS optimization in wireless sensor networks using multi-hop multi clustering algorithm in a heterogeneous network." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.1 (2020).


The method provided did improve the energy consumed for each simulation round is reduced and also the energy left is increased. The major breakthrough is that by implementing the proposed program the delay for each simulation round is not only greatly reduced but also uniformed, It is also clearly visible that the throughput in (bit per second) is drastically increased. When compared with traditional methods. The existing paper provides an interesting method using Lagrangian Relaxation(LR) to control the adaptive switching of hop-by-hop QoS routing. The method utilized timely information collection to validate and respect the QoS requirements of all the nodes making the whole network obeying the QoS parameter. This is done by utilizing the modified Markov Chain model for prediction. Multi-hop multi-cluster QoS algorithm using Matlab proposed and implemented a new optimized method our QoS based multi-path routing using ‘k’ neighbors based node switching in corresponding hops. The node will be switched if and only if the QoS threshold and distance threshold value is satisfied. The switching of nodes improved drastically on Throughput. The proposed algorithm has a little high drop ratio as compared to the existing algorithm which is partially due to the multi-path approach in packet splitting. If all the portions of the split packet are not received, the overall packet is dropped. This introduced a marginally higher packet drop ratio which can be managed later on and provides the scope for further improvement.