This paper is published in Volume-8, Issue-1, 2022
News and Internet
Ronit Agarwal
MIT World Peace University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
18 January, 2022
Paper ID
Newspaper, Internet, Relevance of Newspaper, Comparison between Newspaper and Internet, History of Newspaper and Internet.


Ronit Agarwal. Relevance of newspapers in the era of the internet, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Ronit Agarwal (2022). Relevance of newspapers in the era of the internet. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 8(1)

Ronit Agarwal. "Relevance of newspapers in the era of the internet." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 8.1 (2022).


Newspaper is the traditional way to spread information far and wide. It was better known as a “mirror of the society. In our day-to-day life’s Internet became a very essential part of people’s lives. Internet is not only confined to gathering news or information, today’s internet services include selling electronic devices, clothes, food, and many more things, earning and controlling money, communicating with people all over the world using various platforms, and these are just some of the few things you can do using the Internet. This paper also talks about the history of newspapers which was started in the early 17th century & as well as the history of the internet which was started around the 80s and how the internet took the huge leap in not only spreading news but even other recreational things. This research studies how newspapers are still a relevant and important part of society in the era of the internet. The paper also tries to differentiate between newspaper and the internet and their advantages in their respective fields. This study is done through content analysis and public opinions.