This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-3, 2021
Sruthi Savithri Vijayakumar, Anish M. V., Pranav P., Alben Joseph, Minnu Jayan C.
Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Pub. Date
24 May, 2021
Paper ID
Technology, Energy sensor, Flow sensor, Microcontroller, Wi-Fi module, Application


Sruthi Savithri Vijayakumar, Anish M. V., Pranav P., Alben Joseph, Minnu Jayan C.. Smart Resource Alert, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Sruthi Savithri Vijayakumar, Anish M. V., Pranav P., Alben Joseph, Minnu Jayan C. (2021). Smart Resource Alert. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(3)

Sruthi Savithri Vijayakumar, Anish M. V., Pranav P., Alben Joseph, Minnu Jayan C.. "Smart Resource Alert." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.3 (2021).


As technology is becoming more advanced, the world is heading to a state of huge energy scarcity. The existing resources are depleting at an alarming rate and people are struggling to find alternative sources of energy.On the contrary, a lot of valuable energy is getting wasted too in the form of a fault or leakage, commonly seen at our households.We propose an approach to keep track of energy and water usage at our households and thus alerting the consumers in the form of an application. The energy sensor ACS712 and the flow sensor YFS201 are used to measure the amount of energy and water consumed. The signals are sent as interrupt to the microcontroller where calculations are processed. A Wi-Fi module ESP8266 is used to upload the data to the cloud which can then be accessed by the user in the form of an application which keeps track of the usage and notifies the consumer. Extra features like gas leak detection can also be included in the application.