This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-3, 2018
Inclusive Education
Pooja Tomar
National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi,, India
Pub. Date
20 June, 2018
Paper ID
Children with Visual Impairment (CwVI), Social Inclusion


Pooja Tomar. Social inclusion of children with visual impairment, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Pooja Tomar (2018). Social inclusion of children with visual impairment. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(3)

Pooja Tomar. "Social inclusion of children with visual impairment." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.3 (2018).


Initiatives taken by several organisations working for children with Disability and governments across the globe has set the stage for inclusion of Children with Disability in mainstream schools. In India also, Rights of People with Disability are well guarded by constitutional policies, they are provided with several provisions and supports by the government to guard their interests. Statistics shows rise in their participation in schools and workplace in last two decades. With all these positive signs of inclusion, there is one more aspect that is Social Inclusion. The present paper explores the impact of inclusion in schools on social inclusion of Children with Visual Impairment (CwVI) in society at large. Paper also discusses changing role of special schools and organizations from study centres to resource centres in the present era of inclusion. Data is collected by focus group discussion and semi-structured interviews with 30 CwVI studying in 9 Inclusive schools in Delhi and NCR and 20 teachers teaching in 7 Organizations for Blind in North India. Findings reveal that inclusion of CwVI in mainstream schools has positive impacts on Children with visual Impairment but at the same time, many incidents clearly show signs of social exclusion in these inclusive setups.