This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-3, 2019
Computer Science and Technology
Anagha Chaudhari
Usha Mittal Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
29 May, 2019
Paper ID
IP subnet calculator, Network remote, Monitoring, SNMP, FTP SMTP, RDP


Anagha Chaudhari. Students monitoring system in lab, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Anagha Chaudhari (2019). Students monitoring system in lab. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(3)

Anagha Chaudhari. "Students monitoring system in lab." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.3 (2019).


In most of the organizations, they connect multiple numbers of systems to form a network to share files or to keep a track on the work of the users. While connecting to monitor the network system activities for security purposes. Client and Server are the two methodologies in this system. In the proposed system we will be introducing the current session option to monitor the network systems and at the same time, the accessed folder option shows the username and user accessed folders. While the client logs in to the server, the Clients IP address and system names are added to the server. The server will display all the user names, and from the server, we can monitor the particular Client screen activities like the currently opened screens, the files created, modified and deleted. Five modules that we have developed are Admin module for username and password, Remote Desktop Services, IP Subnet Calculator for hiding the complexity of the IP subnet process for only class C type IP address, Network Remote Monitoring System for monitoring, and E-mail Client. Protocols that we will be using are SNMP, FTP, SMTP, RDP etc.