This paper is published in Volume-6, Issue-5, 2020
Structural Analysis
Smita, Juhi Nigam
Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Pub. Date
08 October, 2020
Paper ID
Irregular Frame, Stiffness, Spectrum Analysis, Modeling, Dynamic Earthquake Loading, Staad Pro


Smita, Juhi Nigam. Study of irregular multi-storey RC frame subjected to seismic condition analysis with STAAD Pro V8i software, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Smita, Juhi Nigam (2020). Study of irregular multi-storey RC frame subjected to seismic condition analysis with STAAD Pro V8i software. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 6(5)

Smita, Juhi Nigam. "Study of irregular multi-storey RC frame subjected to seismic condition analysis with STAAD Pro V8i software." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 6.5 (2020).


These analyses intend to the seismic response of different vertical irregularity structures. The study of this project is done by Response spectrum analysis (RSA) of vertically irregular RC structure. This study includes the modelling of regular and various irregular structure having area of 20 m X15 m and height of 3.2 m from each except ground floor for G+7 storey .The performance of this structure during this study seismic activity motions depends on the distribution of stiffness, strength, and mass in both the horizontal and vertical planes of the structure. The main aim of this work is comparative study of the stiffness of the structure by considering the three models in Regular Structure and three models in Plan irregular structure with different Vertical irregular structure. All models are analysed with dynamic earthquake loading for the Zones V .Result found from the response spectrum analysis that in irregular shaped structure displacements are more than that of regular shaped building. All building frames are modelled & analysed in software Staad. Pro CE. Various seismic responses like base shear, frequency, node displacement, etc. are obtained. The overall performance of regular building is found better than irregular building .The seismic performance of multi-storey regular building is determined by Response Spectrum analysis in STAAD Pro. Software.