This paper is published in Volume-7, Issue-4, 2021
Sustainable Solid Waste Management
Priyamvada Singh
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Pub. Date
19 August, 2021
Paper ID
Solid Waste, 3R, Sustainable, Initiatives


Priyamvada Singh. Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management through 3R Initiatives in India: Lessons to be learned from the success stories, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Priyamvada Singh (2021). Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management through 3R Initiatives in India: Lessons to be learned from the success stories. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 7(4)

Priyamvada Singh. "Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management through 3R Initiatives in India: Lessons to be learned from the success stories." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 7.4 (2021).


With the rising quantity of waste on a global and national level and more serious projections in the coming future all over the world, sustainable solid waste management practices and initiatives have become a necessity like never before. Rampant Increase in population urbanization and resultantly more consumption is adding to the already existing load of waste. It has become a compulsion thus that solutions to these problems are timely thought of and practices and initiatives that reduce the burden of waste are put into place. This paper thus attempts to understand the dynamics of the 3R perspective in sustainable waste management in the Indian context. It tries to understand the principles of 3R and then find out the scope of applying these principles in India and the challenges that it faces in the present scenario. This paper attempts to discuss the successful initiatives that have been taken by a number of cities in India to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The study mainly relies on available online and Secondary data and successful case studies in 3R in India. It tries to explain what are the efforts taken to keep the socio-economic dimension in India that can make SWM sustainable in India and what future steps can be taken to make it a reality.