This paper is published in Volume-4, Issue-2, 2018
File Transfer
Pooja Bhosale, Tejal Fegade, Shweta Bharambe, Mily Lal, Pratik Doke
Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Engineering, Management and Research, Akurdi, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
28 April, 2018
Paper ID
Communication, Data Sharing, File Synchronization, File Transfer, Load Balancing.


Pooja Bhosale, Tejal Fegade, Shweta Bharambe, Mily Lal, Pratik Doke. Synchronizing data sharing approach with reducing communication overhead on a multicore system, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Pooja Bhosale, Tejal Fegade, Shweta Bharambe, Mily Lal, Pratik Doke (2018). Synchronizing data sharing approach with reducing communication overhead on a multicore system. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 4(2)

Pooja Bhosale, Tejal Fegade, Shweta Bharambe, Mily Lal, Pratik Doke. "Synchronizing data sharing approach with reducing communication overhead on a multicore system." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4.2 (2018).


Synchronization problem can occur when the file has been modified or it can happen when communication has to take place. Due to synchronization problem, general edits may occur in bursts or in isolation. General edits may cause communication overhead and it can create conflicts on the object access. After the modification of the file, it is required to maintain the synchronization of files on various location. There can be chances of increasing the communication overhead due to general edits. In this work, we will show that a small amount of interaction can help design low complexity codes with close to optimal communication rate. Insertion on storage media plays a major role on any operating system. Insertion on the logical partition cannot be accomplished thought if we have enough space available on our storage media. During the insertion process of the object if an object is broken into the different object then it is possible to store it in multiple logical locations. Our model describes the System which will help to manage synchronization of multiple files and it can have the load balancing of the single file in multiple locations. The algorithm works effectively when the object has to be stored in single physical storage with multiple logical partitions.