This paper is published in Volume-5, Issue-2, 2019
Fahima Aram
Kabul Medical University, Kabul, Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Pub. Date
24 April, 2019
Paper ID
Previous scar of cesarian-section, VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section), Pregnancy


Fahima Aram. The frequency of Vaginal Birth After Cesarian-section in pregnant women at Malalai and Shahr-Araa teaching hospitals, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Fahima Aram (2019). The frequency of Vaginal Birth After Cesarian-section in pregnant women at Malalai and Shahr-Araa teaching hospitals. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(2)

Fahima Aram. "The frequency of Vaginal Birth After Cesarian-section in pregnant women at Malalai and Shahr-Araa teaching hospitals." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.2 (2019).


Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section is one of the reasonable and practical methods to control and decrease the rate of unnecessary and elective Cesarean sections in women, which in turn decreases the potential risks resulting from C-section affecting mother and baby. Therefore, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of the context, factors, and goals of such interventions. Goal: The major goal of this research paper is to find the incidence of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean-section (VBAC) in pregnant women at Malalai and Shah-Araa Teaching Hospital. Method: This research uses the Descriptive Cross-Sectional method. The data is taken from patients’ documents who were admitted to the Malalai Maternity Hospital and Shahr-Araa Teaching Hospitals for VBAC during April and May of 2018. Results: The current study which took place for two months of April and May of 2018 in Malalai Maternity Hospital and Shah-Araa Teaching Hospital reveals that that 50 out of 120 women who had previous scars of Cesarean section (41.6%) received VBAC, who averagely aged 28±6 (±SD) years within the age interval of 20-40 years. The median of pregnancy counts was 2 and its range was 1-11, the median of birth spacing was 3 and its range was 1-12 and the median weight of baby was 3 Kilograms and it’s range was 1.5-4 Kgs and the average gestational age was 38±2 (±SD), It is seen with the highest incidence at 20-30 years of age, new-born with 2.5-3.5 kgs., gestational age of 39 weeks or higher, first parity, and a pregnancy gap of 2-4 years. Additionally, 4 of them had experienced premature rupture of the amniotic membrane. Final Result: The current study shows that by carefully selecting individuals, we can decrease unnecessary Cesarean sections through using VBAC, and performing this operation is directly dependent on the decision of obstetrics/gynecology professionals. Keywords: previous scar of Cesarean section, VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section), pregnancy.