This paper is published in Volume-1, Issue-5, 2015
Computer Science
Yashwant Bhaidkar, Pranav Bhagwat, Priyanka Bhalere, Radhika Gujar, Sachin Walunj
VIIT, Maharashtra, India
Paper ID


Yashwant Bhaidkar, Pranav Bhagwat, Priyanka Bhalere, Radhika Gujar, Sachin Walunj. Tourist Place Recommendation System, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Yashwant Bhaidkar, Pranav Bhagwat, Priyanka Bhalere, Radhika Gujar, Sachin Walunj (2015). Tourist Place Recommendation System. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 1(5)

Yashwant Bhaidkar, Pranav Bhagwat, Priyanka Bhalere, Radhika Gujar, Sachin Walunj. "Tourist Place Recommendation System." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 1.5 (2015).


Android Phone has power to access or fetch data from remote location and provide various facilities to the user. Hence android applications have more and more demand because of its user friendly nature and its power of computation. Many tourist are having problem to search proper tourist places due to communication overhead or less facility of tourist guide. It is impractical to search each and every tourist place at every location. So in order to provide feasible as well as user friendly solution for this problem we develop an android application which will automatically recognize famous and nearby places and send notification to android phone. This application also provides weather recommendation feature which notifies the tourist about weather conditions of the destination before visiting it. All places are properly categorized and also with review or rating. The application also provides facility of vehicle mark to reach your vehicle after site visit. We are using Triangulation method with LBS as well as GPS to track the location of user. And as per his location, relevant list of tourist places will be send in the form of pop up notification.