This paper is published in Volume-3, Issue-5, 2017
Network Security
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B
Shriram Institute of Engineering & Technology, Paniv, Maharashtra, India
Network Level Security, Multisink, Measurements, Measurement Techniques
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B. Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B (2017). Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(5)
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B. "Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.5 (2017).
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B. Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B (2017). Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(5)
Ms. Patil Priyanka Nagnath, Prof. Dhainje Prakash .B. "Vulnerability Assessment of Sensor Network Using Multisink Timestamp and Attack Graph Based Metrics." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.5 (2017).
Attack graph security metrics used for providing the security to the network .We proposed mainly three algorithms those are Shortest path metrics, Number of paths metrics and mean of path length metrics. These three techniques is mostly used for example where the earthquakes or volcanos can occur. In our work we are findings the hotspots areas or sensing the hotspot points from the large geographical areas where the volcanos or earthquakes may be occurred in future and these three algorithms providing the security to that area so that we can avoid the volcanos or earthquakes. But attack graph security metrics used for aggregating the result of those three security metrics and provide the more security.